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Shortly after arriving in Atlanta in 1989, Denise met Michelle at an industry fund raiser. Having many things in common, not the least of which that both grew up in Dallas Texas, they teamed up and have made DJP Interiors a successful design firm for over twenty years.
Founded in 1989 when Denise moved from Texas to Atlanta continuing to create hospitality designs with Wyndham Hotels, where she began her career in 1983, DJP Interiors was initially focused strictly on Hospitality design. After completing numerous new construction projects and renovations for Wyndham Hotels, DJP Interiors expanded their work to include projects for Ritz Carlton, Renaissance Hotels, and Marriott International.
DJP Interiors leapt into Residential when a client approached them to design their new 15,000 square foot home. The success of that project and subsequent word of mouth reputation has led to DJP Interiors designing many more homes in Atlanta, DC and California resulting in residential being the primary focus today. Several of their projects have been proudly published and displayed in magazines like Atlanta Home.
Whether a new home construction or a single room remodel, we specialize in developing aesthetics which suit our individual clients tastes and preferences. At DJP Interiors it is about creating personalized spaces that become our clients “home” and not a DJP Interiors “signature” look.
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